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  • Slides from my two sessions at Entwicklercamp 2011 (German content)

    Karsten Lehmann  28 February 2011 09:25:21
    Here are the slides of my two sessions at Entwickercamp 2011, Gelsenkirchen/Germany. As always, it was an interesting and very well organized event.


    1Manuel  28.02.2011 21:23:37  Slides from my two sessions at Entwicklercamp 2011 (German content)

    no english version?

    anyway, thanks a lot ¡¡


    2Karsten Lehmann  28.02.2011 22:08:21  Slides from my two sessions at Entwicklercamp 2011 (German content)

    Only for the Java API session (same content has in the Lotusphere session BP203):

    { Link }

    Unfortunately not for the XPages session. That's a conference rule at Entwicklercamp - presentations in German language.